Jessica Alba: It's Our Time to Invest in Our Youth
Like all parents, I want my girls to grow up in a world where they can pursue their dreams, build the career they imagine and ultimately have more opportunities to succeed than generations past. But with today's economic climate, I see the challenges young Americans currently face -- mounting student loan debt, underemployment and even unemployment. I think about what this could mean for all our children, and I know I want them to have a better, brighter future. This is why I've joined forces with OUR TIME , an organization that advocates for the rights of young Americans, and to push for one million new national service jobs. While creating these opportunities is not the only answer to the social problems we face and it might not be the perfect solution, I do think it is one step we can take together to improve these frustrating statistics. And I believe supporting additional AmeriCorps educational, environmental, health, and economic development efforts will pos...