Jessica Alba: 'I wish I could clone myself'

By Taryn Ryder

Jessica Alba is a young, hot Hollywood mom who not only juggles her career with motherhood, but also finds time to help the environment. At the Environmental Media Awards in Burbank, Calif., Alba talked to Wonderwall about balancing business with pleasure, going green and staying blond.

Wonderwall: I was hoping to see you with your blond hair!

Jessica Alba: JA: I wanted to go a little bit subtle and I might have a few extensions over my blond hair.

WW: Were you shocked when you looked in the mirror and thought, "Oh my God, I have blond hair."

JA: Well I was really blond for Sin City One and really blond for Fantastic Four, so it's not as drastic. But I think I'm going to have to go all the way soon.

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