Jessica Alba sends products to Hilary Duff's supercute new baby

Jessica Alba is obviously as smitten with Hilary Duff's new baby Luca as we are because she's sending the first-time mum loads of baby stuff.

Hilary tweeted a picture of the booty,saying'Thanks @honest & @jessicaalba for the box of goodies for Luca!The whole line looks amazing!Excited to try everything :)'

Jessica has a company selling eco-friendly baby products called She must have seen the latest picture of Hilary's newborn son, Luca, above.

Weve cooed over our fair share of cute baby pictures but the latest one from Hilary has taken it to the next level. The proud first-time mum shared another picture of her two-week oldson and hes so adorable its making us want to find the nearest Mothercare and bury our faces in the babygros.

Hilary published the picture of Luca, full name Luca Cruz Comrie, on her blog, with the heading Baby Luca, 2 weeks old :)

Hilary gave birth on 20th March. The little cutie is the first child for both her and her husband Mike Comrie, a retired Canadian professional ice hockey player.

The 24-year-old actress has been tweeting honestly about her new life as a mum. Its so refreshing to see alongside tweets about how proud she is there are ones about how much hard work motherhood is!

One recent early morning she tweeted: 4 am Sleepy eyed, feeding baby whew this job is no joke,

Hilary was on the micro-blogging site not long after giving birth, telling her followers: Luca fed! Mamma fed! Time to do it all again in 2 hours! Oh how life has changed! In such a wonderful way.
